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ISBN 978-1-59614-212-1 9 781596 142121 B lessed Stanislaus of Jesus and Mary Papczyƒski was born on May 18, 1631, in Podegrodzie. After finishing his courses in Jesuit and Piarist Colleges, he joined the Piarist Order in 1654. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1661. He became famous as a gifted educator of youth, illustrious preacher, wise spiritual director, and also as an author of works on spirituality and rhetoric. In 1673 he founded the first Marian monastery in Puszcza Korabiewska, known today as Puszcza Mariaƒska. He was the first to found in the Church a male Order dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, nearly two centuries before the proclamation of this dogma. Father Papczyƒski assigned three goals to his new Order: promulgation of devotion to the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M., prayerful assistance to Poor Souls in Purgatory, and pastoral ministry, especially among people lacking pastoral guidance. He died in the opinion of holiness on September 17, 1701, in Góra Kalwaria near Warsaw. His remains were laid to rest at the Church of the Cenacle of Our Lord. On September 16, 2007, the Church proclaimed him Blessed. F ROM THE WRITINGS OF B L . S TANISLAUS Are you sad? Call Jesus and He will comfort you. Are you attacked? Call Jesus and He will defend you. Do you want to be saved? Love Jesus, follow Him, adore Him: Jesus is the Savior. Are you poor? Run to Jesus and He will make you rich. Are you naked? Ask Jesus and He will clothe you. Are you ill? Beg Jesus and He will heal you. Are you uneducated? Jesus is the Teacher. Are you surrounded by vices? Jesus is the Lord of virtues. Are you sinful? Jesus came to save sinners. May Jesus be your contemplation, your love, your joy, your strength, your life, your heaven. There is nothing in the entire world and in all of heaven more valuable than Jesus, so there is nothing more worthy of love. Give yourself entirely to Jesus and the entire Jesus will be yours. (Inspectio Cordis) The sarcophagus containing the mortal remains of Blessed Stanislaus – the Church of the Cenacle in Góra Kalwaria, Poland. BKFF 07270080-0310 More information about Blessed Stanislaus Papczyƒski is available at: