George Matulaitis Journal

Catholics were always faithful to the teaching of Christ and bravely defended it. Therefore, I commend you, our faithful Catholic people! I trust in the Lord that in this difficult time you will also bravely adhere to your faith and will be faithful. However, in fighting for your rights and convictions, remember that you must do this under the guidance of the Spirit of Christ. “But be brave: I have conquered the world” (Jn 16:33), says Jesus Christ. How has He done so? With what weapons? This is how: by the power of His Spirit, His sacrifice, His passion and death and by the power of His love. Those weapons of Christ must be your defense as well. Make sure that no one causes you to lose your patience; do not let yourselves be provoked. Be careful not to let anyone press you into acting in a manner that is not fitting for a Christian and a Catholic. Do not forget: you are the heirs of those Christians who, during the early centuries of Christendom when great persecutions were raging, often had to shed their own blood, but never shed that of others. Unable to profess their beliefs openly, they went underground—into the catacombs. They were exiled from their homeland, condemned to hard labor, thrown to wild animals, but they never used inappropriate weapons against their persecutors. Yet their faithfulness raised the standard of the cross by the power of their patience and love. And you too must move forward courageously, fighting for a better and happier future, clad in the armour of unity and solidarity, armed with faith and love. God will help you to bear everything and to overcome. Wherever you can, be diligent in your struggle against evil, opposing it with that which is just and good, as Holy Scripture bids us. Be on your guard to avoid scandals that are being spread among the peo- ple. Defend yourselves against them, but be compassionate towards those who have strayed and do not stop loving them. Respect one another. Do not stop doing good to one another. Each one of you must continue to keep peace and tranquillity in your heart. Each one must try to be recon- ciled with the other, directing him toward peace. Everyone must be dili- gent to do whatever promotes peace among the citizens so that you will have a part in Christ’s blessing: “Blessed are the peacemakers; they shall be called the children of God” (Mt 5:9). Having urged the Catholic people to do everything to keep the peace, with a sincere request I also address those who are not Christians and 344